Friday, September 28, 2012

eavey mini simmons.

5'6" eavey mini simmons. 
little nugget of fun. slightly pulled in nose and tail. subtle s deck. glass on twin keels and a fcs stubby stabilizer. 
sold my last simmons before my trip out to CA. went to greg and told him i wanted a 5'6" and left the rest up to him. couldn't be more stoked on the outcome. thanks greg. this thing is a ton of fun. its a good bit smaller than my last simmons but im not missing the extra volume and length at all.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

bells island

ancestor went toe to toe with the worlds most famous pirate for stealing his hooch.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Thursday, September 13, 2012

reggies fest.

what can i say about reggies fest. i f*cking love this bar as much as a man can love a place. i will happily drive 20 mins into town just to slam some drinks, talk sh*t with the boys, shoot a game of pool, hear some sh*tty/good music, or get embarrassingly drunk and not be embarrassed about it. reggies fest was everything i love about this place rolled into a weekend. good bands, good people, good times, hot dogs on the grill. matt, chuck, and rich many thank you's for all the good times.